
Mobile E-mail and Automobile E-mail Trend

Mobile E-mail and Automobile E-mail Trend

I’ve heard that Nokia’s strategic aim is to make sure that every automobile on earth has its own e-mail address by 2010. Have you heard that too?

I’ve also heard mention that Nokia is taking this direction. The wireless Internet has been called the “second revolution” and I think a big part of that is going to be the personalization of the Net?not necessarily personalization as we’ve seen thus far, such as portals and content-on-demand, but personalized access to the Internet.

Giving an automobile an e-mail address is great, but it really lacks the vision of why not just provide every person with a readily available e-mail address that will follow them? I may be in my car, or I may be in someone else’s car, but the technology certainly exists (reference phone numbers that can follow us, in conjunction with global positioning systems) that can allow us to receive the information we need to have sent to us, no matter where we are.

I really think that’s the focus major companies should take and learn from mistakes?how many of us still have phones that are attached to our cars? Very few. That’s the same trend that is going to drive wireless devices.

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