
Dbspace Marked Down

Dbspace Marked Down

I have tried to reorganize Informix chunks on my disks. So I stopped the Informix and started to copy chunks to a new location with a cplv command (AIX). After the copy was successful, I changed the links to new logical volumes, which contain copies of each chunk. But I misspelled the Informix chunk name in one link. So when I brought the Informix online, the dbspace that contained that chunk was marked as down. Dbspaces are not mirrored.

How can I tell Informix that this dbspace is OK and that flag down should be removed? Data in this chunk are OK, because I have no problems with other copied chunks.

If you are using a late version of the engine (7.2X or later), you can run an onspaces command to bring the chunk back up. Use the following syntax:

onspaces -s spacename -p pathname -o offset {-O | -D} [-y] }

If this doesn’t work, you’ll have to reinstall, restore from an archive, or call Informix Support. They have an in-house tool that can mark up the space.

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