
Wireless Transmission of Photos

Wireless Transmission of Photos

About how fast can the current wireless systems transmit a medium- to high-resolution digital photo? What’s currently the best way to do it? Will higher baud rates of wireless calls bring the time down, and are higher baud rates coming in the foreseeable future?

In GSM, we get 9.6Kbps. Under some systems, such as HSCSD (High Speed Circuit Switched Data), we can get up to 14.4Kbps. I am aware of a number of efforts to bring that speed up to 1.5Mbps within the near future. So the short answer to your question is getting a high-res photo across a wireless connection would take a while today, but like the wired Internet, speed will continue to increase and in the not-so-distant future, it’ll be much faster.

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