
Connecting to an Access DB on a Server

Connecting to an Access DB on a Server

I want to connect to an Access DB on a server from a client using a VB app. I assume I would have to make a connection to the database on the server. How could I do this? Would I need to return a recordset from the sever via ADO?

For Access, you have to specify a directory and filename in your ADO connection string. That means that the directory where the file is located needs to be mapped as a network drive on your computer. Once you’ve done that, you can create your connection string like this:

Dim cnDB As New ADODB.ConnectioncnDB.ConnectionString = _   "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _   & "Data Source=F:MyDB.mdb"cnDB.Open

You can then get recordsets or whatever else you need from the database. If you’re using Access 97, use OLEDB.3.51 instead of OLEDB.4.0 in the connection string.

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