
Moving Large Mailboxes Overseas

Moving Large Mailboxes Overseas

We currently have three Exchange 5.5 SP3 servers in California. We’re going to add one server in London and use x.400 connectors, but we’re not sure what the best way to move mailboxes is.

I’d like to just use the admin tool, but the VPN link is not always dependable, and we’re afraid to lose data in between a 700MB mailbox move. Exporting to a .pst file and then FTPing it to Europe is also risky. Any ideas?

We considered exporting the mailboxes to a .pst on a DVD, moving the now empty mailbox, and then sending the DVD media to be uploaded, but that would leave us with about three days without archived mail.

Tough call, if you can’t rely on the telecommunications and ground transport is too slow, that really doesn’t leave you with many options.

I’d suggest you export to a .PST in archive mode (so that the data stays on the server) and send that via FedEx to London, and move the mailbox over the VPN.

If the VPN transfer is successful, then you’re up and running right away. If not, you won’t lose any data because a DVD backup of it is already on the way via FedEx.

Unless you have a secure and reliable server on the Internet where you can stow 700MB and from where the London office can reliably retrieve it I don’t see that you have many other options.

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