
Time Data

Time Data

I am using Windows 2000 and ADO 2.5 with VB6.0 and I am retrieving a datetime field from an Informix database 7.3. The field contains time only. When the record is entered, that field is assigned only time; no date is entered. When I retrieve the data, all I get is an empty field (not null).

When I tried to print the value of that field I get the Run-time error:

'-2147217887 Multiple-step operation generated errors

When I save the recordset using adoRecord.Save the original time values are in the saved file. I also get the original values when I use Microsoft Access and link the Informixtable. I am using the same ODBC driver for ADO and Access.

How can I read the time from the datetime field when only time is entered inthe field?

I’m not sure how Informix views such a date-time. Why don’t you use a time field instead?

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