
Dynamic Server 7.30 Installation Problem on Win NT

Dynamic Server 7.30 Installation Problem on Win NT

I’m trying to install on a Secondary Domain Controller. After I enter the password for the user, Informix shows a message saying “You do not appear to be an administrator. In order to run this program, you must belong to the Administrators group on local computer.”

I’m an administrator. I saw the file “readme.server.txt” on the installation CD and followed the instructions for “Domain installation without administrator privileges on the Primary Domain Controller,” but the problem persists.

What should I do?

I suggest installing as an administrator on the PDC. If you don’t have admin rights, work with your network admin.

I’ve never installed a domain controller, because I’ve always had problems working with Informix on PDCs. The fact that you’re installing on an SDC may also be part of the problem.

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