Does Informix 9.20 have a memory leak? We’ve doubled our physical memory since upgrading, taken a number of tuning actions, but the product keeps grabbing more memory. No appreciative application changes were made, only the upgrade from 7 to 9.
I haven’t heard of anything major, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Have you checked out the migration info for migrating to 9.X? You might find some info there.
If an “onstat -” shows increasing amounts of memory being used by the server, your server is adding memory in response to DSS queries. If a “ps” or other utility shows that the process is using increasing amounts of memory, it could indicate a memory leak.
You may also want to check if 9.20 handles automatically closing cursors or other objects in a different way from your old version. If the new version is more strict, you may find that your old code left some objects open that should have been closed.