
Memory Initialization Problems

Memory Initialization Problems

I cannot initialize the program after I have installed it. When I run “oninit”, it seems to work, but then when I run “onstat” it tells me that the server is no longer running. When I type “onmode -k”, I get a message saying it cannot use allocated memory. Sometimes when I run “oninit” I get a message saying “fatal error in shared memory creation.”

The info is in my /etc/services file and I have modified the sqlhosts and onconfig file.

I have tried everything I know but cannot fix the problem. I am on Red Hat Linux 6.2 with 32MB RAM

Are able to tell me exactly how to create the shared memory?

Check your Informix log file. It should be one of the last-modified files in your $INFORMIXDIR.

I’d be suspicious of the manual changes you’ve made. Make sure that the memory size is the smallest you can get away with. With only 32MB RAM, things may be getting a little tight.

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