
Rebooting with NT’s Schedule Services

Rebooting with NT’s Schedule Services

How can I schedule an automatic reboot?

I have the schedule service started and set up to start automatically, and I know how to dothe “at” commands. What I don’t know is the command to get it to reboot.

Look at Shutdown.exe found in both the NT Resource Kit. While designed mainly forremote shutdown, if you don’t use a remote computer name, it will act on the localcomputer instead.

Remote shutdown is a tool that allows you to remotely shut down or reboot a computerrunning Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4. ShutDown provides system shutdown andrestart options from both the command-line and a GUI.

An example is:

shutdown /L /C /T:5

This will shut down the local computer, closing all of the applications in five seconds.

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