
Use Oracle Obfuscation to Encrypt Data Securely

Use Oracle Obfuscation to Encrypt Data Securely

Sometimes you need to encrypt certain data stored in your database?data like passwords and other condfidential information.

Oracle Obfuscation is a technique in which data is encrypted or decrypted using a key. While the key can be supplied externally, it can also be stored securely inside an Oracle-wrapped package where no one can see it?including the DBA. The wrapped package is protected against execution by unauthorized persons; it checks for user roles and then enforces proper authority by generating exceptions when the user’s role does not satisfy the authority level for execution.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Code an Oracle package containing the key and wrap it so that the code is visible to no one.
  2. Inside the package, place logic to check whether the authorized role is executing.
  3. Use the wrapped package to supply the key for the Obfuscation package.
  4. Store the encrypted data returned by the Obfuscation package into the database.

Now you data is secure from prying eyes!

See also  Essential Measures for Safeguarding Your Digital Data

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