
Detect an Operator Overloading a Class

Detect an Operator Overloading a Class

How can you detect if a class overloads a particular operator when you don’t have the source for the class? You can define the operator globally so that it accepts all user defined types:

class no_operator {};class Any{public:   Any(...){cout<<"this is a placeholder for all kinds of UDTs"};};Disclaimer : ellipsis does not ensure type safety.no_operator& operator+(const Any &,const Any &) {   cout << "operator not present"<

The above operator will be invoked for an add operation involving at least one UDT?if the operator + is not overloaded in the UDT. For example:

class Foo {public:   Foo(){}   Foo & operator +(const Foo& a)   {   cout<<"operator ovverloaded"<

This can be detected as follows:

if(strcmp(typeid(FooObj+i).name(),"class Foo")==0)   cout<< "OVERLOADED" << endl;   else cout <<"NOT OVERLOADED"<
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