
Extract JAR and ZIP Entries with JarURLConnection

Extract JAR and ZIP Entries with JarURLConnection

Use the following code to extract JAR and ZIP Entries with JarURLConnection:

import*;import*;import java.awt.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.jar.*;class read extends Frame{URL url=null;JarURLConnection URLcon=null;JarFile jar=null;TextArea TA=new TextArea(15,35);public read(String titlu){   super(titlu);}void init(){   setLayout(new FlowLayout());   setSize(300,300);   add(TA);   setVisible(true);}public void getURLContent(){      try {                //local file      //url=new URL(      //"jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Java/jdk1.5.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar!/"      //);      //remote file      url=new URL(        "jar:!/");                      URLcon=(JarURLConnection)(url.openConnection());      jar=URLcon.getJarFile();   }catch(MalformedURLException e)      {System.out.println("Eroare1:"+e.getMessage());   }catch(IOException e)      {System.out.println("Eroare2:"+e.getMessage());}                   }           void entry(){   Enumeration  entries=jar.entries();   while(entries.hasMoreElements())   {      String entry=((JarEntry)entries.nextElement()).getName();      TA.append(entry+"
");   }  }       }public class JarURLContent{   public static void main(String[] args)      {   read t=new read("URL");            t.getURLContent();      t.init();          t.entry();     }}
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