
Hide Unnecessary Navigation Buttons Using DHTML

Hide Unnecessary Navigation Buttons Using DHTML

Hide your navigation buttons using DHTML when you don’t need them. Imagine a page with a databound table on it showing ten rows of data. When you’re at the beginning or end of the table, either the “Previous” or the “Next” button is not needed. The following code shows how to play “peek-a-boo” with the buttons. When you’re at the start of the table the “Previous” button is hidden while the “Next” button is displayed and at the end of the table the “Next” button is hidden while the “Previous” button is displayed.

 Sub SetNavigationDisplay()	'Set display for Previous Button	If miPageNumber = 1 Then = "none"	Else = ""	End If	'Set display for Next Button	If miPageNumber = MaxPage Then = "none"	Else = ""	End IfEnd Sub
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