
April 7, 1999

Shifting the Focus in a JavaScript Rollover

Question: I am creating a complex table of images, each with its own rollover effect. The problem I’m experiencing is that after the user clicks on the image, it retains

Record Locking using LockEdits

Question: I am developing a multiuser application in Visual Basic 4.0 and wish to restrict users from editing Open or Locked records. Having successfully set up user security access and

Resources on Compatibility Across Browsers

Question: I am involved in a project that requires the client-side embedded scripts to be compatible down to version 3 of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. So far I have

Find() function matching date values

Question: I am trying to use the find function using three char expressions and one date expression. I am using PB 6.5 with Oracle as the database. The following is

DeleteRow(0) in DW

Question: Does DeleteRow(0) delete the current row or the row at the bottom of the datawindow? Answer: It deletes the current row.

How Can I Tell if a Sheet is Open

Question: How can I check if a certain sheet is Open? Answer: PowerBuilder stores a list of all the currently open sheets automatically for you. You can use the GetFirstSheet

Retrieving database table names using SQL

Question: I’m a database administrator for a medium-sized company. I would like to be able to retrieve the names of the tables within the company’s database using SQL so that


Question: select issuelog.analysts,issuelog.helpdesk,isssuelog.issue.issuelog.customer.issuelog.status.issuelog.logged, FROM issuelogWHERE((( “*24/01/99*”))ORDER BY issuelog.helpdesk; How do I get it to search for a series of dates, such as the 24th, 25th, 26th etc., in one query?

Creating menu items in a running program

Question: Is it possible for a running program to dynamically create/add a menu or add a specific item to an existing menu based on an action by the program user?