
April 7, 1999

Shifting the Focus in a JavaScript Rollover

Question: I am creating a complex table of images, each with its own rollover effect. The problem I’m experiencing is that after the user clicks on the image, it retains

Data level security

Question: My environment is Win95, PB6.5, and Sybase SQL Server 11.0x. The table consists of entity, center, account, name, dollars, and hours. I need to be able to restrict access

Overload New and Delete in a Class

It is possible to override the global operators new and delete for a given class. For example, you can use this technique to override the default behavior of operator new

A Basic Output Stream Wrapper Class

When writing a program, you often need flexibility in where the trace/log output of the program is supposed to go. It could go to standard output, a log file, or

Various Forms of Initializing std::string

Class std::string can be initialized in five forms: by a C-string, by part of a C-string, by another string object, by a sequence of characters, or by part of another