
December 16, 1999

Access Data From SQL Server in ASP

Question: I’m using Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Active Server Pages (ASP), and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). When I retrieve a string with a value of “New York” from the table

Cannot Call API Functions From ASP

Question: Can I use Windows API calls in ASP? If so, do I have to declare functions? Answer: Unfortunately, at this time you cannot call API functions from ASP. The

Keep Your IIS Browser Definitions Current

Internet Information Server includes a component that helps you determine the capabilities of a browser before you send code that may not be supported. The list of capabilities is stored

Escape Your Apostrophes in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the apostrophe (‘) is a string delimiter. That is, it marks the beginning or end of a text string. If you include an apostrophe inside a string, the

Add Some Pseudo-Class to Your HTML

Rollover effects are fun in HTML but too much code and alternate images means your page takes longer to render in the browser. Don’t forget that some effects are built