
February 8, 2000

Mailto Link Not Connected to Outlook

Question: I’m having a problem. I have Outlook installed, and I also have Lotus Notes. We’re using Exchange as the mail program, and the clients are Outlook. For some people

Send Parameters From HTML to a Form

Question: I want a link to refer to an order form, but I don’t need to use a database. I just want to pass a few details (like city name,

Preventing Sending Output to Screen

Question: I am trying to send a text file that I have made from my report to the printer.The code is: REPORT FORM neto ASCII TO FILE pom.txtset headings offTYPE

Outlook Today Page Is Blank

Question: A user has a shortcut icon for Outlook Today when she opens Outlook 98. But when she clicks on the icon she gets a blank screen. Everything else works?inbox,

E-mail Form Contents

Question: I need to include the information from a form in an e-mail. I found this sample code, but when I run it, I just get a blank page for