
April 4, 2000

The Color Constructor

When you construct a Color object in Java, you can supply the arguments in three ways. The most familiar way is to provide three int values each in the range

Avoid Copying Immutable Objects Excessively

One of the most common mistakes that most less-experienced Java programmers make is the unnecessary copying of immutable objects. The problem is compounded by the fact that it is not

Stacks to Strings Conversion

Sometimes it is useful to be able to capture the output from a stack dump, redirect it to a string, and then, perhaps, to a window. Here is an example

Querying Your Applet’s Browser

Sometimes you write an applet that depends on a Microsoft Internet Explorer-specific extension which is not common to all browsers. How do you find out if the browser that’s running

Optimizing Java Code

Developers should realize that only a few optimizations are supported by most Java compilers. That most Java compilers do little when it comes to optimizing code may be surprising, but

Using Println Statements in the Debugger

Println statements are very useful for debugging applications, but do you view the output when an applet is running in the debugger? By default, when you create a Visual J++