
April 11, 2000

Delete Duplicate Rows in a SQL Table

There are times when duplicate records somehow creep into a table despite your best efforts. This happens more in cases where data is loaded into table from other sources because

Use of LIKE in SQL

The LIKE statement is often used in SQL queries with wildcards to find data that issimilar to a matching pattern. PL/SQL has two forms of wildcard: _ and %. The

Transaction Independence in Oracle8i

In a nested procedure environment, I have often felt the need to isolatethe transactions of the child/called procedure from the parent/calling procedure’s transactions. Until Oracle8i, it used to be a

Use Style Sheets to Create Floating Text

Use Cascading Style Sheets to create a floating text paragraph. First, add the attribute in the document’s section: Now, add the content you want to display in the window: Visit