
August 15, 2000

Hyphen Or No Hyphen When Accessing DBACCESS

Question: When accessing DBACCESS from a script, what are the consequences of leaving out the hyphen? What should we adopt as a standard, hyphen or no hyphen? Example: dbaccess mystores

Exchange and .PST Files

Question: How do I import my user’s .PST files directly into Exchange without having to log in as the user and import the files via Outlook? Answer: You might be

Informix Configuration on NT

Question: How do I program Informix to insert newline characters into CHAR(500) fields? Answer: A char field is defined as ending with a newline, so I don’t think you can

Vectors Containing Arrays

Question: I’ve got a struct which is declared as having two fields: int position;char tile-id[6]; When I use this in a vector, I can use the [] notation to initialise

Build an XML Document for a Recordset on the Fly

(Note: This tip assumes that you have an ActiveConnectionsetup to your DSN.) This function creates an XML document from an ADO Recordset, programmatically. Public Function CreateXML(strRoot As String,strSQLStatement As String,

Default Script Error Handling on Your Web Pages

The unhandled or unexpected script error is a real issue these days. Script errors can be seen even on many of the professionally designed Web sites and Web-based customer applications.

Export HTML Table to Excel

Here is a simple way to export an HTML table to Excel with a single line of code. For the technique to work, you must have Excel installed on the