
October 24, 2000

Passing Value to an Online Form

Question: Is it possible to use JavaScript to create a custom page and pass all the values in the page to an online form such that I do not have

Significance of const Return

Question: What is the significance of const return type from a function?Similar to: const int func1(); Answer: The const in this position guarantees that the caller of the function doesn’t

Java Profiler

Question: Is there a profiler like JProbe which supports the Microsoft Virtual Machine? I already tried the -prof switch on the command line, but that doesn’t do everything I need.

Reverse DNS

Question: If I can use the “InetAddress” class to acquire the IP address of a computer, is there a way to get the computer’s name from an IP address? Answer:

Informix 4GL Translators

Question: I want to purchase some software that will translate Informix 4GL to any of the following: Java, C, C++, or Perl. We have two applications that we need to

Can 16-Bit Software Run in Windows 2000?

Question: Can 16-bit software run in Windows 2000 platform? Answer: The answer is yes and no. Many 16-bit software programs run just fine in W2K, as they did in NT

JavaScript Not Working with IE 5.5

Question: Why will this code not work with IE 5.5? Answer: It’s not a question in this case of JavaScript not working with IE 5.5, but of Java not working

Deprecated APIs

Question: How do I make a method deprecated? Answer: Deprecating a method or entire class is as simple as using the “@deprecated javadoc” tag in its documentation. For example: /**