
Show Data With Outlook Grid

Show Data With Outlook Grid

You can easily create a calendar grid similar to the one in Outlook to show data. First, start a VB project, then place an MSFlex Grid on the form, with two textboxes to set the start and end dates and a command button to populate the grid. Paste this code in the Form1 code pane:

  Private Sub Command1_Click()     Dim ldBegDate As Date     Dim ldEndDate As Date     Dim lsMonth As String     Dim li, lsStr, lsStartDate, _          lsEndDate, liStartRow, _          liEndRow, liCnt, lsDate, liX     ldBegDate = Format(Text1, _          "mm/dd/yyyy")     ldEndDate = Format(Text2, _          "mm/dd/yyyy")     MSFlexGrid1.Clear: _          MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 5: _          MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1: _          MSFlexGrid1.RowHeightMin _          = 800     For li = 0 To DateDiff("M", _          ldBegDate, ldEndDate)          lsMonth = Format(DateAdd("m", _               li, ldBegDate), "mmmyyyy")          '== check what month is being           '== processed          lsStartDate = "": lsEndDate = ""          '== Starting Month          If InStr(1, lsMonth, _               Format(ldBegDate, _               "mmmyyyy")) _               Then lsStartDate = ldBegDate          '== Ending Month          If InStr(1, lsMonth, _               Format(ldEndDate, _               "mmmyyyy")) _               Then lsEndDate = ldEndDate          '== Neither Starting or Ending           '== Month          If lsStartDate = "" Then _               lsStartDate = _               Format(DateAdd("m", li, _               ldBegDate), "mm/01/yyyy")          If lsEndDate = "" Then _               lsEndDate = _               Format(DateAdd("m", 1, _               Format(lsStartDate, _               "mm/01/yyyy")) - 1, _               "mm/dd/yyyy")          liStartRow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows          liEndRow = liStartRow + _               DateDiff("d", lsStartDate, _               lsEndDate)          MSFlexGrid1.Rows = _               MSFlexGrid1.Rows + _               liEndRow - liStartRow + 1          MSFlexGrid1.Col = 0          '== Put Dates in grid          For liCnt = 0 To DateDiff("d", _               lsStartDate, lsEndDate)               lsDate = DateAdd("d", liCnt, _                    lsStartDate)               MSFlexGrid1.Row = liStartRow _                    + liCnt               MSFlexGrid1.Text = lsDate               MSFlexGrid1.CellFontSize = _                    10: _                    MSFlexGrid1.CellFontBold _                    = True               MSFlexGrid1.CellAlignment = _                    flexAlignCenterCenter               If WeekDay(lsDate, vbMonday) _                    > 5 Then                    For liX = 1 To _                         MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1                         MSFlexGrid1.Col = liX                         MSFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = _          &HC0C0C0:   _          MSFlexGrid1.CellForeColor _          = &H80000015                    Next                    MSFlexGrid1.Col = 0               End If          Next     Next '== li..Start to End DateEnd Sub
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