
Programmatically Retrieve a System’s Logical Drive Information with C#

Programmatically Retrieve a System’s Logical Drive Information with C#

The following C# code references the System.Management namespace to retrieve information about logical drives in a system. You just need to supply the username, password and machine name for the system whose drives you want to probe.

After you have entered this code, you can then examine other properties of DemoObject in a quick watch window. The code for doing that is provided as well.

ConnectionOptions DemoOptions = new ConnectionOptions();DemoOptions.Username = "\";ManagementScope DemoScope = new ManagementScope("\", DemoOptions);ObjectQuery DemoQuery = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3");ManagementObjectSearcher DemoSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(DemoScope, DemoQuery);ManagementObjectCollection AllObjects = DemoSearcher.Get();foreach (ManagementObject DemoObject in AllObjects){//At this point, you can examine other properties of DemoObject in the quick watch window.Console.WriteLine("Resource Name: " + DemoObject["Name"].ToString());Console.WriteLine("Resource Size: " + DemoObject["Size"].ToString());}
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