
Processor fault

Processor fault

Why do I get with the following program, this error: general protection exeption, 0x215f:0x1ef3timer(1) 0x215f:0x1ef3 Processor fault.Program (very small):

#include #include int get_value (int _value);void main (void){	int _time=0;	int _timemod=1;	clrscr();	while (_time < 1000)	{		_time++;		if (_time == 100)		{			get_value(_timemod);			gotoxy (30,6);			printf ("%d", _timemod);		  _time = 0;		}	}}int get_value (int _value){	gotoxy (30,5);	printf ("El nuevo factor por favor : ");	scanf ("%d", _value);	return (_value);}
I think the program fails in returning the value from get_value.Can you help me?

There are two problems with your get_value function.

  1. If the parameter has to be modified, you need to pass itas a reference.

  2. scanf requires the address of the variable it is to write in, notthe value.

So, if you rewrite your get_value as follows, you should be OK.

int get_value (int &value){	gotoxy (30,5);	printf (“El nuevo factor por favor : “);	scanf (“%d”, &value);	return (value);}
Also, it is a very poor programming practice to put leading underscores invariable names. These names are generally reserved by the C compilerfor its own use.

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