
Using Data Wizards in .NET 2.0

Using Data Wizards in .NET 2.0

When you use the data wizards in .NET 2.0, the connection string property is read only. However, the following code shows you how to change the connection string:

        'set a reference to system.configuration        'set the following imports stratement above your class         'Imports System.Configuration        ' Get the application configuration file.        Dim config _        As System.Configuration.Configuration = _        ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration( _        ConfigurationUserLevel.None)        'the full connection string name.   normally designer generated is assemblyname         '.My.MySettings.connectionName         'below is a sample how i used it with my test app         Dim csName As String = "TestRptWO.My.MySettings.DbCon"               ' Create a connection string element         '(use the connection string of your choice; I tested it with SQL Server,         but it should work for any provider )        Dim csSettings _        As New ConnectionStringSettings( _        csName, _        "LocalSqlServer: data source=;Integrated Security=SSPI;" + _        "Initial Catalog=aspnetdb", "System.Data.SqlClient")        ' Get the connection strings section.        Dim csSection _        As ConnectionStringsSection = _        config.ConnectionStrings        'first remove the old section from the collection          csSection.ConnectionStrings.Remove(csName)        ' Add the new element.        csSection.ConnectionStrings.Add(csSettings)        ' Save the configuration file.        config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified)
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