
Using the &lt< and &gt> XQuery Operators

Using the &lt< and &gt> XQuery Operators

When you want to determine the order of articles into an sequence returned by an XQuery query, you can use the << and >> operators:

    - X << Y: is true if X is before Y;    - X >> Y: is true if Y is before X;

For example, suppose you have the following sequence of strings:

Shark, Daisy, Hunter, Lego, Helly

Use this query:

let $xml:=doc(?file:///C://Data_Local//xml//AirWings.xml?)for $a in $xml/company/aircrafts  for $b in  $xml/company/aircrafts   return(if($a/type<<$b/type) then concat($a/type/@M,"--]",$b/type/@M) 	else concat($a/type/@M,"[--",$b/type/@M)   )

The query returns:

Shark[--Shark, Shark--]Daisy, Shark--]Hunter, Shark--]Lego,Shark--]Helly, Daisy[--Shark, Daisy[--Daisy, Daisy--]Hunter,Daisy--]Lego, Daisy--]Helly, Hunter[--Shark, Hunter[--Daisy,Hunter[--Hunter, Hunter--]Lego, Hunter--]Helly, Lego[--Shark,Lego[--Daisy, Lego[--Hunter, Lego[--Lego, Lego--]Helly ,Helly[--Shark, Helly[--Daisy, Helly[--Hunter, Helly[--Lego,Helly[--Helly
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