
Funk Up Your Forms with Fading

Funk Up Your Forms with Fading

I find this particularly useful in an MDI environment where you don’t want to keep switching forms to read information?just make the front form transparent to read the one behind, then fade it in again. Much nicer than Alt+Tab!! Can also be used when quitting programs for a bit of extra class (no pun intended…)

Create a form with two buttons?btnFadeIn & btnFadeOut and execute theappropriate function.

Drop in the following code:

---------------------------Private Function FadeIn()   ' attach to BtnFadeIn_Click   Dim start, finish As Double   Dim i As Integer   i = 1   start = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer   finish = start + 2.0   Do While Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer < finish       If Me.Opacity < 1.0 Then           Me.Opacity = ((i * 1) / 100)           i = i + 1       Else           Exit Do       End If   LoopEnd FunctionPrivate Function FadeOut()   ' attach to BtnFadeOut_Click - also Form1_Closing   Dim start, finish As Double   Dim i As Integer   i = 1   start = Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer   finish = start + 1.0   Do While Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Timer < finish       If Me.Opacity > 0.25 Then           Me.Opacity = ((100 - (i * 1)) / 100)           i = i + 1       Else           Exit Do       End If   LoopEnd Function
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