
Data Access And Management

man on floor with data

DevX Quick Guide to Data Ingestion

One of the biggest trends of the 21st century is the massive surge in internet usage. With major innovations such as smart technology, social media, and online shopping sites, the

data execution protection

Data Execution Prevention and How it Works

No matter what you do or where you work, you are likely to encounter Windows software at some point or another. Courtesy of Microsoft, Windows operating software has a massive

Create Database Primary Keys on the Fly

Since Guids are unique anywhere you find them, they make a good primary key.The trick is to create them where and when you need them using the CoCreateGuidAPI. You can

See Who Is Blocking Your SQL Server

If you have ever monitored any blocking problems in SQL Server, you know that sp_who only shows you the spid (SQL Server’s internal Process ID) that is causing the blocking