Automate Salesforce Business Processes with Azure Logic Apps

Automate Salesforce Business Processes with Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps provides scalable workflows and business process automation backed by the power of the cloud. It has an intuitive designer interface that allows you to declaratively define a process automation workflow. The vast array of connectors available out of the box let you create integrations between a suite of standard enterprise applications such as Salesforce and Office 365???as well as social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Today we will look at how Logic Apps can help you create a process automation in your Salesforce cloud platform instance.

Login to your Azure subscription and create a new Logic App instance from the list of available resources. You need to specify a resource group while creating the instance. It will take a minute to deploy and the designer will fire up once the instance deployment is successful. Once you are in the designer, the first step is to search for the Salesforce connector. You will see two trigger options:

  1. When an object is created
  2. When an object is modified

Select the first option. A dialog will appear letting you sign-in to your account (production/staging) and then allow Logic Apps to access your account.

In the Object Type, select Campaigns and leave the trigger interval to default 3 minutes. You can also expand the advanced options to provide additional filter conditions.

Next provide a condition to check if the budgeted cost is greater than the expected revenue. If the condition is met, you can add a subsequent step to create a Task in Salesforce for someone to act on the campaign and/or send an email.

The following figure illustrates creating a Task in Salesforce based on the created Campaign condition:

Save the workflow. Go to your account and create a campaign with the condition of a higher budgeted cost than the expected revenue and you will see that a task will be created after the first run in 3 minutes.


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