Black box vs. White box Testing

Black box vs. White box Testing

When building, developing and troubleshooting complex systems everybody agrees that modularity is the way to go. Different parts or components need to interact only through well-defined interfaces. This way the complexity of each component can be reduced to its inputs and outputs. That’s the theory. In practice, this is extremely hard to achieve. Implementation details are sometimes hard to contain. This is where black box and white box testing can come in handy, depending on the situation.

Consider an interface that expects a JSON file as input. If you don’t specify exactly in the schema, then the format of the file can change and break interactions that worked previously. But, even if you put in the work and discipline and properly separated all the concerns and rigorously defined all the interfaces, you’re still not in the clear. There are two big problems:

  1. If your system is complicated enough then new development will often require changing interfaces and contracts. When that happens you still need to dive in and understand the internal implementation.
  2. When something goes wrong, you’ll have to troubleshoot the components and follow the breadcrumbs. There is no escaping the complexity when debugging. Under some circumstances, very well factored systems that abstract as much as possible are more difficult to debug because you don’t have access to a lot of context.

But, black box and white box testing is not just about the system. It’s also a property of people working with the system. Some people thrive on the black box view and keep an abstract view of the components as black boxes and their interactions. Other people, must see a concrete implementation and understand how a component ticks before they can climb up the abstraction ladder and consider the whole system.

There are good arguments for both views and while working with most complicated systems you should be able to wear both hats at different times.


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