Dutch Developers Get Paid More

Dutch Developers Get Paid More

Soaring Developer Salaries

On August 30, 2023, it was reported that software developer salaries in the Netherlands are on the rise with an average increase of 2.4% in 2023, resulting in nearly €63,000 per year income. A 12% overall growth in developer wages has been observed since 2018. Interestingly, the gap between developers’ expectations and companies’ offers has dropped to less than 1%, indicating a strong awareness of their worth among professionals in the field. This upward trend in developers’ salaries demonstrates the growing demand for skilled professionals in the Netherlands, as well as an increasingly competitive job market in the technology sector. Furthermore, the alignment of expectations and offers reveals a more transparent and fair recruitment process that benefits both developers and employers in finding the right match for their needs.

Differences in Roles and Salaries

A closer look at specific roles reveals that backend and frontend developers earn the highest salaries, followed by DevOps engineers and fullstack developers. Tech leads enjoy an average yearly income of €87,500, a 4.3% increase compared to their initial demands. However, DevOps engineers receive 8% less than their expectations, hinting at a possible decline in interest for these positions in the Dutch market. While frontend and backend developers reap the benefits of higher salaries, the recent trend suggests companies are emphasizing the importance of these positions in order to keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape. On the other hand, as DevOps engineers experience a slight decrease in salary, we could see a shift in focus within the industry, with adjustments in the value and expectations for various roles based on market demand and skills requirements.

Experience and Salaries in the Netherlands

Regarding experience and role, Dutch developers emphasize the significance of experience when determining salaries. Classification is as follows: 0-2 years for junior level, 3-6 years for mid-level, and 7+ years for senior level. Backend developers receive the highest salaries and growth, with a 12-15% gap for junior roles compared to frontend and fullstack developers. This gap tends to narrow down as developers progress to mid and senior levels, making the income disparity less pronounced. However, it is still evident that backend developers continue to be in higher demand, and their expertise remains highly valued in the industry.

Advancement in Career and Salary Growth

There is a substantial salary increase when moving from junior to mid-level positions, and a 30% raise when advancing from junior to senior roles. This upward trend in earnings highlights the value of professional growth and continued development in one’s career. With increased skills and experience, individuals can expect greater financial rewards as they progress from junior to senior roles in their respective fields.

Demand for Tech Positions

In the Netherlands, the demand for tech positions varies, with 41% of interview invitations going to backend developers, 36% to frontend developers, and 23% to fullstack developers. This indicates a higher preference for specialized roles in the Dutch tech industry, as opposed to professionals with broader skill sets. The data also suggests potential opportunities for aspiring backend and frontend developers, as they seem to be in high demand within the current job market.

Preference for Specialized Developers

The preference for specialized developers over versatile fullstack developers highlights an intriguing trend in the Dutch market. This shift indicates that companies in the Netherlands are increasingly valuing in-depth expertise in specific areas, rather than relying on all-around developers to handle multiple aspects of projects. As a result, niche specialists are witnessing a surge in demand, while fullstack developers may need to adapt and hone their skills further to remain relevant and competitive within the evolving industry landscape.

Gender Pay Gap

Regrettably, the gender pay gap continues to expand, escalating from 6% in 2022 to 8.3% in 2023 based on average salary offers. This trend indicates a growing disparity, with women consistently receiving lower compensation than their male counterparts for the same roles. It is crucial that companies take urgent action to address this inequality, ensuring a fair and inclusive workforce environment for all.

Addressing Inequality Across the Industry

This inequality remains consistent in all developer roles across the Netherlands. Furthermore, this disparity highlights the need for organizations to assess their recruitment and retention practices for promoting a diverse workforce. Addressing this issue not only fosters a more inclusive and collaborative work environment but also contributes to increased productivity and innovation in the tech sector.


What is the average salary increase for software developers in the Netherlands in 2023?

The average salary increase for software developers in the Netherlands in 2023 is 2.4%, resulting in an average yearly income of nearly €63,000.

Which specific roles have the highest salaries in the Netherlands?

Backend and frontend developers earn the highest salaries, followed by DevOps engineers and fullstack developers. Tech leads enjoy an average yearly income of €87,500.

Does the income gap between different developer roles decrease with experience?

Yes, the income gap tends to narrow down as developers progress to mid and senior levels, making the income disparity less pronounced.

Is there a preference for specialized developers over fullstack developers in the Dutch market?

Yes, there is a preference for specialized developers, particularly backend and frontend developers, over versatile fullstack developers in the Dutch market.

Is there a gender pay gap in the tech industry in the Netherlands?

Unfortunately, the gender pay gap in the tech industry in the Netherlands continues to expand, escalating from 6% in 2022 to 8.3% in 2023 based on average salary offers.

How can organizations address inequality in the tech industry?

Organizations can address inequality by assessing their recruitment and retention practices to promote a diverse workforce and ensuring a fair and inclusive workforce environment for all.

First Reported on: thenextweb.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Tim Gouw; Pexels; Thank you!


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