10 Reasons COBOL Isn’t Dead Yet

10 Reasons COBOL Isn’t Dead Yet

It may not be as common as it once was for developers to write applications in COBOL, but despite being created in 1959, the language is far from dead. In fact, IBM estimates that banking, insurance, retail and other industries still run more than 200 billion lines of COBOL code.

Darryl K. Taft from eWeek put together a list of ten reasons COBOL is still alive:

  1. COBOL Is Easy
  2. COBOL Runs Everywhere
  3. Here Today, Here Tomorrow
  4. COBOL Gets the Numbers Right
  5. COBOL Supports Popular IDEs
  6. COBOL Systems Process Data Quickly
  7. COBOL Is Self-Documenting
  8. COBOL Is Fast
  9. COBOL Integrates With Everything
  10. COBOL Is Everywhere

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