More Enterprise Developers Using NoSQL

More Enterprise Developers Using NoSQL

EvansData has released the results of a new survey which found that 56 percent of enterprise developers currently used NoSQL, and 63 percent plan to do so in the next two years. “The advent of Big Data is driving adoption of NoSQL, and this is especially true in the corporate enterprise,” said EvansData CEO Janel Garvin. “While it may have got its start on the web with innovations like Big Table and MapReduce, it?s the enterprise that can most benefit from NoSQL and developers realize this across all geographical regions.”

Other key findings from the survey include the following:

  • 80 percent of those surveyed use Windows as their primary development platform.
  • 40 percent of developers in North America are currently working on mobile apps.
  • 80 percent of developers in North America expect to work on multi-threaded applications in the next two years.

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