Cloud Deployment Poses the Same Development Challenges, Says Puppet Labs CEO

Cloud Deployment Poses the Same Development Challenges, Says Puppet Labs CEO

Puppet Labs CEO Luke Kaines has a warning for developers who are eager to jump into the cloud. “Cloud computing represents a great way to save money and speed up your deployments, but deploying your applications there is not without risk. Developers should keep in mind that many of the challenges of traditional application development still exist in the cloud and need to be considered,” said Kaines.

Specifically, Kaines said that cloud developers still need to think about issues like scaling, redundancy, security, and performance. “In light of recent cloud outages, cloud marketing may also be giving developers and businesses a false sense of security about the availability of their applications. Cloud platforms are generally built to be robust and redundant, but it is still infrastructure — and infrastructure faults can mean business outages. Deploying on cloud platforms doesn’t mean developers can get away with designing applications that are not robust and redundant,” he added.

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