2012’s Top Trends in Enterprise Application Development

2012’s Top Trends in Enterprise Application Development

Consultant Scott Plewes of Macadamian said that he believes that the following five trends will be critical for enterprise application development in the coming year:

  1. Mobile workplaces – It’s important for enterprise application developers to understand that people will be working from many places outside the office.
  2. Cloud computing – Enterprise users will expect to be able to store data in the cloud and access it from a variety of devices.
  3. Context awareness – Workers who aren’t in the office may face more distractions, and developers should simplify their interfaces accordingly.
  4. Data analytics – Developers “need to figure out how to present information quickly so people can interpret it quickly in order to gain the insight necessary to make a business decision,” said Plewes.
  5. Specialization – Developers will need to have better understanding of vertical industries in order to create applications that meet their needs.

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