Google to Devs: The Check Is in the Mail

Google to Devs: The Check Is in the Mail

While Google usually sends checks to Android developers on the second of the month, it didn’t write checks for some developers until March 15 this cycle. On a forum, Google announced the payments and added, “We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced and appreciate your understanding.”

However, many developers with offerings in the Google Play app store don’t feel all that understanding. “It is totally scary that there is no one to answer to that kind of request at Google. It’s like there are just a bunch of robots, we pay 30 percent of our sales and we have no one to talk to, it’s insane, I don’t know of another business with such an abysmal customer service,” wrote one developer. Another added, “Amazon has the best developer support staff and Google can learn a lot from them how to treat their developers.”

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