Amazon Officially Supports In-App Purchases for Appstore

Amazon Officially Supports In-App Purchases for Appstore

Last week, word leaked out that Amazon was testing in-app purchases with a select group of developers. Now, the company has made the feature official and has announced that Walt Disney Co., Conde Nast, Gameloft and Dow Jones & Co. will be some of the first companies to offer in-app purchases through the Amazon Appstore. Similar to other mobile app stores, Amazon will take a 30 percent cut on all in-app purchaes.

Mobile development pros increasingly rely on in-app purchases as a key revenue stream. “A number of developers have indicated that this technology is important to their business models,” Amazon’s Aaron Rubenson said. “For apps that really need this to be viable, this is an important step. It will allow us to bring new apps to the store.”

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