Amazon May Be Expanding Its Mobile Development Capabilities

Amazon May Be Expanding Its Mobile Development Capabilities

Amazon Web Service has posted a new job opening for a “Software Development Engineer – Mobile,” leading some to speculate that the cloud computing firm may soon getting into the backend-as-a-service business. The posting reads, “In this role, you will be responsible for creating and owning world-class production tablet and web client applications across major platforms including iOS and Android . You must be willing to insist on the highest standards for quality, maintainability, and performance. You will ensure that engineering best practices are followed and that software is designed to be responsive, reliable and maintainable.”

Sravish Sridhar, CEO of Kinvey, speculated, “If AWS is looking to launch a Backend as a Service offering, they need seasoned front-end developers because, you need to build world-class client-side libraries to abstract the backend stack. For mobile developers, the client-side library is the new API.”

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