Appcelerator Acquires Singly

Appcelerator Acquires Singly

Development tool vendor Appcelerator has announced that it is buying Singly, a startup that offers API management technology. Appcelerator says it plans to incorporate Singly’s capabilities within its Appcelerator Platform and Titanium products by early next year. Until then, it will continue to offer Singly’s current products, prices and support.

“While there’s been a big movement among social and consumer companies to publish APIs for developers to build around, most enterprises are just now waking up to the possibilities,” blogged Appcelerator CEO and co-founder Jeff Haynie. He continued, “The good news is that the faster IT can mobilize the data sources, the faster the whole enterprise will see a big uplift in its mobile innovation. All kinds of folks — both inside and outside the enterprise — will start accessing those APIs to do amazing things for the business.”

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