Atlassian Debuts Git Essentials

Atlassian Debuts Git Essentials

Development tool vendor Atlassian already offers a number of Git-centric tools, and now it’s bundline several of them together in a product it calls Atlassian Git Essentials. “Businesses know they have to move down this path” to Git and Agile, said Eric Wittman, Atlassian’s general manager of its developer tools business unit. “The market trends are clear and awareness is high, but adoption remains very low.” Git Essentials aims to reverse that trend by simplifying the process of getting started with Git.

Git Essentials integrates source code management and Atlassian’s JIRA issue tracker. The cloud-based version costs $40/month for 10 users and $600/month for 100 users. The on-premise version costs $40 for 10 users and $12,800 for 100 users.

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