CloudBees Adds New Features to Cloud Development Platform

CloudBees Adds New Features to Cloud Development Platform

Platform as a service (PaaS) vendor CloudBees is adding a couple of new features that it hopes will help it attract more developers. This first, ClickStarts, is a “single-click tool to create and deploy a running application that builds from source.” The second, ClickStacks, simplifies the processes of customizing or creating new runtimes.

“The cloud is challenging developers’ traditional expectation of ‘platform’ in new ways every day. Developers need a platform that gets them up and going even more quickly with rapidly changing technologies and frameworks,” said CloudBees’ Steven Harris. “ClickStarts bring the developer experience to an entirely new level in terms of time-to-productivity, and together with ClickStacks, open the fully managed CloudBees Platform so that it can be shaped and customized to meet the most demanding requirements of complex applications.”

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