CloudBees PaaS Joins the Verizon Cloud

CloudBees PaaS Joins the Verizon Cloud

Verizon has announced that the CloudBees platform as a service (PaaS) will be available through the Verizon Cloud. CloudBees is a popular Java-centric cloud development platform. The Verizon Cloud, which is currently in a public beta trial, is an enterprise-focused cloud computing service that includes an IaaS platform known as Verizon Cloud Compute and a cloud storage platform known as Verizon Cloud Storage.

The Verizon Cloud also already had a PaaS offering based on Pivotal’s Cloud Foundry. Verizon CTO John Considine explained that this announced doesn’t change the availability of the other PaaS:

“Cloud Foundry remains a critical strategic partner for delivering cloud services to our clients. Nothing changes that. We said when we announced Verizon Cloud in October 2013 that we planned to become the foundation for a new enterprise cloud ecosystem. We are committed to working with a variety of enterprise cloud leaders and providing our clients the choice and flexibility they want in creating the cloud solution that best fits their needs. Companies like CloudBees, Pivotal, NetApp, Hitachi Data Systems and Oracle will play a key role in that plan.”

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