CloudSpokes and Topcoder Unite

CloudSpokes and Topcoder Unite

Appirio has announced that it is unifying two development crowdsourcing communities that it owns: CloudSpokes and topcoder. It is retiring the CloudSpokes name and moving everyone over to topcoder, which will now have a community of more than 608,000 developers, many of whom are experts on cloud development and data science.

At the same time, the topcoder site has received a facelift, including a new logo designed by the community.

Appirio plans to make further enhancements to topcoder. Narinder Singh, president of topcoder, said, “We will continue to expand what members can do with topcoder and will build out more customer-facing technology capabilities. We’ll also be making investments in programs that help programs that help improve the state of design, development and data science.”

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