Compuware Announces DevOps, Agile Development Partnerships

Mainframe software vendor Compuware is making a big push to improve its support for DevOps practices and Agile software development methodologies. The company is integrating its tools with Agile and DevOps tools from Splunk, SonarSource, Jenkins, Atlassian and AppDynamics. ?If your mainframe application development isn?t Agile, your business can?t be agile,? said Compuware CEO Chris O?Malley. ?Our mission is to help customers achieve that essential business agility by empowering Agile DevOps teams to master the mainframe just as they do other platforms in the multi-platform enterprise.?

In addition, the company announced the acquisition of Agile tool vendor ISPW Benchmark Technologies. ?Joining Compuware will enable us to more aggressively invest in our capabilities to support an iterative and Agile approach to development and add more value by integrating into the broader enterprise DevOps ecosystem,? said ISPW president Paul Kuszyk. ?By mainstreaming the mainframe, Compuware is transforming the market in a way that will give our customers cross-platform DevOps agility that is absolutely essential for competitive success in today?s fast-moving markets.?

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