Debunking Common Agile Misconceptions

Debunking Common Agile Misconceptions

Allen Holub at Dr. Dobb’s has written a new blog post that debunks the claims of the Anti Agile Manifesto. In it, he explains why agile software development really isn’t different from other development methodologies why it isn’t “simply the obfuscation of common sense,” as the Anti Agile Manifesto claims. It’s worth a read for anyone curious about agile terms like epics, stories, sprints, stand-ups, iterations, backlogs, backlog grooming, burn-down charts, velocity and tasks.

Holub concludes, “Simplistic summaries like this manifesto never bring real clarity to a discussion, and they often do active damage. It bothers me to think of the damage a list like the current one can do to someone who is just trying to figure out what ‘agile’ actually means.”

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