Eclipse Releases Che, a Cloud-Based IDE

Eclipse Releases Che, a Cloud-Based IDE

The annual EclipseCon event has kicked off with two big announcements. First, Eclipse released a new developer workspace server and cloud IDE called Che. “Eclipse Che is rethinking the way IDEs are built and used by developers,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “It uses Docker, Java and JavaScript to create a more flexible and dynamic developer work experience. The initial feedback on Eclipse Che has been outstanding. The number of downloads and external contributions all point to Che being an incredibly successful open-source project.”

Che was originally created by Codenvy, but now nine other companies, including Microsoft and Red Hat, are also involved in development.

Also at EclipseCon, Microsoft announced that it has joined the Eclipse Foundation. “We have worked with the Eclipse Foundation for many years to improve the Java experience across our portfolio of application platform and development services, including Visual Studio Team Services and Microsoft Azure,” said Shanku Niyogi, Microsoft?s general manager of its Developer Division. “Joining the Eclipse Foundation enables us to collaborate more closely with the Eclipse community, deliver a great set of tools and services for all development teams, and continuously improve our cloud services, SDKs and tools.”

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