Enterprises Say Mobile Development Achieves Positive ROI

Enterprises Say Mobile Development Achieves Positive ROI

A new survey from Red Hat finds that 74 percent of IT decision-makers who are using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their mobile development success are achieving a position return on investments (ROI). However, only 35 percent of enterprises are fully supporting the use of KPIs to measure success.

?The most important finding was how quickly the mobile market is maturing and how many companies use KPIs as a measure of success, and that most of them are seeing positive ROI as a result,? said Cathal McGloin, vice president of mobile platforms at Red Hat. ?This should give businesses the confidence they need to further push for innovation within their mobile programs.?

The report also found that 90 percent of those surveyed plan to increase their mobile app investments in the coming year.

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