Google Says I/O Event Will Focus on Developers, Not New Products

Google Says I/O Event Will Focus on Developers, Not New Products

After a couple of years of over-the-top events filled with new product announcements, Google appears to be toning down expectations for this year’s I/O development conference. Google’s Sundar Pichai told Wired that this year’s I/O is “going to be different. It’s not a time when we have much in the way of launches of new products or a new operating system. Both on Android and Chrome, we’re going to focus this I/O on all of the kinds of things we’re doing for developers, so that they can write better things. We will show how Google services are doing amazing things on top of these two platforms.”

Rumors suggest Google will likely unveil updates for its mapping, video messaging and gaming products at the conference. However, it won’t be launching a physical credit card or updating the Nexus Q.

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