IBM Expands BlueMix PaaS

IBM Expands BlueMix PaaS

IBM has announced the addition of several new services to its BlueMix cloud development platform. They include an AppScan security service, embeddable reporting services, cloud workflow services and continuous delivery Pipeline services. In the fall, we?ll let you publish your own services to Bluemix, added Steve Robinson, general manager of cloud platform services at IBM.

Big Blue debuted the BlueMix PaaS as a preview in February. The company says it will become generally available at the end of June.

“Since Bluemix was launched just three months ago, we?ve seen a rapid ramp-up of third-party and IBM services available to developers who want to use DevOps in the cloud to create composable, enterprise-class apps,” said Robinson. “Much of this evolution stems from work we?ve done with clients and our collaboration with our growing, open standards-based ecosystem. We can expect this momentum to continue as a bigger share of nearly 18 million developers globally move the bulk of their app development to the cloud.”

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